lost-property office lost-property office lost-property office lost-property office
Find lost property easily with easyfind.

Easyfind is an e-Government application for the national Swiss Lost Property Service. Search for lost property online.

Use additionally easyfind codes to protect your personal property. You will be informed by email or SMS if property bearing your easyfind code is found
Does the item have an easyfind code?
In this case you will be informedautomatically if it is found. Check yourregistration to be certain.

Lost something without an easyfind code? You can search the database of Swiss Lost Property Service here.
Does the item have an easyfind code?
You can inform the owner
quickly and free of charge here.

No easyfind code?In that case please read the additional information.
Never worry again
about losing something!

Your favorite possessions will find their way back to you with our easyfind codes. Easyfind codes are modern and appealing accessories for identifying your personal possessions.